Missouri S&T to build house for 2013 Solar Decathlon

The U.S. Department of Energy announced on Thursday it has selected 20 universities to participate in the 2013 Solar Decathlon, a competition involving the building of solar houses. Missouri University of Science and Technology was one of the universities chosen.

Missouri S&T has built four solar houses for previous competitions, which were all held in Washington, D.C. In 2013, the Solar Decathlon will be hosted by the Orange County Great Park in Irvine, Calif. No dates were announced, but the competitions are usually held every two years in the fall.

The Missouri S&T Solar House Team is finishing its designs and will begin building their 1,000-square-foot house on campus property this summer. “We are trying to focus on engineering, energy efficiencies and adaptable living – with moveable parts, including a grid wall, adjustable solar panels and transforming furniture,” says Eric Mullis, a sophomore in computer engineering from St. Louis.

All of the teams must ship their houses (and, of course, solar panels) to the contest site, where they are then reassembled. The houses are evaluated by judges in 10 categories.

The DOE typically gives grants to the teams selected to cover a chunk of the costs associated with building a solar house and participating in the competitions.

The four solar homes S&T has built in the past are now located in S&T’s Solar Village.

Original Article (http://news.mst.edu/2012/01/missouri_st_to_build_house_for.html)

Tours Continue / Rubbing Elbows with the Big Wigs

Public tours continued today, and everything seems to be going well.  The Universal Design component of the house continues to be noticed.

Universal Design has been appreciated by most visitors.
In addition to working hard, the team got the opportunity to interact with former school Alumni.  Several area alumni attended for VIP tours and a nice dinner afterward.  Some even flew in town to join.

S&T Alums tour the 2009 house

Even the Chancellor came out to show his support for the project and give an update on the status of S&T.

Even the Chancellor made it out...

Oh, and there’s a people’s choice award with text message voting up and running.  To vote for us, text House32 to 99503.  A listing of the other teams and their house numbers can be found on the Solar Decathlon website (www.solardecathlon.org).

Let the Games Begin

After a week of late nights and sleep deprivation, the house is complete!  The Show-Me Solar team was the 9th to pass its final inspections last evening, and started a mad dash to beautify the house (we’d  never seen so many college students cleaning at once before).

The day wasn’t without difficulties however.  After finalizing code and running tests, the automation team encountered several problems.  One of the Pico computers crashed, a CF card went bad, the lighting system went down, a few sensors went bad, and without warning, the primary controller that the team had been using for the past year blew out.  The team managed to get everything rerouted to the secondary controller and recompiled the code just before the 10:00pm deadline. The broken sensors and parts were replaced just in time as well.

And so that everybody can see how awesome we are, a few pictures…

Pictures from the S&T house in D.C.


Tied In

As of late last evening, the team is grid tied on the National Mall.  Passing inspections early allowed us to grid tie about 12 hours ahead of schedule, and also earned us a 29 kWh bonus for pre-competition metering.

A few things went haywire after being tied in, but everything seems to be under control now.  In an effort to conserve energy, the night team will now be working days and taking advantage of natural light (which they haven’t seen in quite some time).

As things come down to the wire, it looks like the team is in good shape.  Maintaining an internet connection remains one of our bigger problems…so stay tuned for another post at a random time when we have one.

First Update from DC

We’ve arrived.  The team actually made it into Washington DC last week, but we’ve had limited internet access thus far.

After some minor vehicle troubles, our caravan of vehicles arrived on the National Mall.  Our house was actually the first to arrive, and we were the first to have our crane up as well.  Things are progressing on schedule.

If everything continues to go as planned, we’ll have internet on site in the next few days.  At that point, you can expect daily updates and pictures as well.
