Archives for February 2007

Structure Completed on 07 Solar House

Thermocore of Missouri installed the structure of the 2007 Solar House in just 2 days. They started Monday, February 26th with a little trouble from the boom truck. It got stuck in the mud and we were not able to start until about 10:30am. After that, we had trouble getting the SIP panels off the trailer, they are heavy and the boom truck is… well… old. Once we finally got the SIPs off the trailer there was only one more hang up, the boom truck was not tall enough to lift a long stud above the north wal. Tuesday was an even more interesting day… school was cancelled because of a bomb threat, so we had a lot more students able to come out and work on the house. The entire structure was completed around 1pm. That night a few students stayed around till 9pm to wrap the house for a little weather resistance.

This is around 11am, just after we got the boom truck out of the mud.

Here is the boom truck tipping because it can’t lift the SIPs off the trailer.

Here is a large wall being moved into place on the subfloor.

The north and east walls below 8 feet are installed. Notice the sponsors banner on the left. Thanks Sponsors! We can’t do this with out you! By the way… we are still in need of money and product donations. Email, call 573-341-6794, or send a check made out to UMR with a memo of Solar House and send it to:
112 ERL
1870 Miner Circle
Rolla, MO 65401

Check out all the blue boxes on that wall. Thats for the home automation.

This is the progress of the house after day 1.

This is the last panel!

The structure is done! I really like this design.

Here is a view of the space where the operable glass wall will stand. It will follow the curve of the roof.

Webcam in Solar Village

Is the solar house team going to put up some webcams up in the solar village?
-Jordan Wright

At the moment we do not have the internet infrastructure in the solar village to install a webcam. We would like to get one up so you can see our progress, but in the mean time I will be posting pictures often.

2007 Solar House Takes Shape

The walls and roof of the 2007 Solar House will be installed Monday, February 26th and Tuesday, February 27th. Thermocore of Missouri will be at the Solar Village raising the roof. Come on by and see the third installment in the UMR Solar Village. The following pictures are from the 2005 installment.

2005 UMR Solar House Plan Set

We just recieved an inquiry about the 2005 Solar House plan set… We are offering them as a gift in return for a $500 donation to the UMR Solar House Team. The 96 page plan set is highly detailed, but still requires the approval of a professional engineer for every specific use. It is not to be used as a construction set. Here is an example of the detail that has been put into it:

If you would like to make a donation and recieve a free plan set, email or call our office at 573-341-6794.