Let the Games Begin

After a week of late nights and sleep deprivation, the house is complete!  The Show-Me Solar team was the 9th to pass its final inspections last evening, and started a mad dash to beautify the house (we’d  never seen so many college students cleaning at once before).

The day wasn’t without difficulties however.  After finalizing code and running tests, the automation team encountered several problems.  One of the Pico computers crashed, a CF card went bad, the lighting system went down, a few sensors went bad, and without warning, the primary controller that the team had been using for the past year blew out.  The team managed to get everything rerouted to the secondary controller and recompiled the code just before the 10:00pm deadline. The broken sensors and parts were replaced just in time as well.

And so that everybody can see how awesome we are, a few pictures…

Pictures from the S&T house in D.C.