Solar Village Grand Opening

The Grand Opening of the UMR Solar Village will be on October 20th, 2006. We will also have the ground breaking ceremony for the 2007 solar house project. We envite everyone to come check out the village and support our renewable energy awareness efforts.


  1. Kevin Tharp says

    Is there anything currently going on with the solar house?

  2. I’m in the planning stages of building a new house (1,500-2,000 sq ft) and I’d like to make it as close to a zero-energy home as I can.
    How close to zero-energy are the homes you’ve built and what were the costs for the solar system? Can you give me any detalis on the system you’re using?
    I live in KC and might consider coming down to tour your solar neighborhood. How can I arrange for a tour of your homes?
    And finally since you’re on your third house, are there any words of wisdom you would offer to someone who is planning a real world solar home?