The windows we are using for our Chameleon House are pretty clear and tough as nails. (The last comment is because I have bonked them a couple of times with nails when trying to do border work.) We utilized the made to order windows because of course the reason of energy efficiency is kept in mind. We wanted to promote that environmental effect of greater efficiency by using inert gas* filled insulated glass. This is heavier and denser than air and it is just being energy smart by utilizing this. Thus, the reason for having an energy star rating. These windows feature the actual Solarban 70XL glass from PPG ideascapes. This Solar Control Low-E Glass provides a clear picture and a type of performance that’s astounding. The glass is a transparent coated deal that includes solar control characteristic and low-emissivity. Block solar energy but let in as much visible light as possible and folks let me tell you that’s innovation right there. It can provide lots of savings in upfront cooling and even annual energy savings of up to 13 percent when being compared to the subpar dual-pane tinted glass. This factor of saving cooling costs equates to big time carbon foot print reductions and in fact when used for industrial buildings it can reduce thousands of tons of carbon emissions over its lifetime. If you are working on replacing those old windows in your home consider using the ones from Crystal Window and Door Systems.
By Julie Glenn
Information pulled from Website:*argon, argon/krypton blend
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